Dan Murphy, DC

This book, Primal Fat Burner, by Nora Gedgaudas, is the best resource pertaining to the anthropology and modern science for prolonging the health span that has been compiled to date. It is exceptionally organized in a logical and engaging manner. It is flawlessly referenced with scientific journals. It is both unique in its approach and detailed beyond the normal. It is written with no wasted words; each sentence is a learning experience. It is always engaging, and the reader wants to read more and more as new information is integrated into the story. The icing (perhaps a better metaphor would be “drizzled duck fat”) of her book is the organization of recipes and meals for quick practical application of the health science.

For everyone who is interested in the science and practicality of prolonging the health span, this book is a must read. Widespread integration of these concepts could change the face of America (and beyond), reducing health care costs to the point where both social programs and balanced budgets are within reach. The wisdom of the book is not only critical for government policy makers, but also for healthcare providers, teachers, and everyone who wants to be healthy. Everyone who reads this book will be indebted to Nora Gedgaudas for her monumental effort to compile and bring this information to the public.

Dan Murphy, DCProfessor, Life Chiropractic College West, Hayward, CA, USA