
Praise and reviews for Nora Gedgaudas and her book, Primal Fat Burner

This unique book provides a much-needed big picture. It is one that addresses the state of humankind, the errant direction we have all taken, the dark influence of global corporations and, most importantly, how we can regain our power and embrace a truly healthy, sustainable future. Nora makes the case for setting aside our differences to focus on what we all share: a common biological design, and a need for a food economy that restores local, natural systems. In this way, we can take back what was once ours, and what is fundamentally our primal birthright.

Helena Norberg-HodgeAuthor of Local Futures and The Economics of Happiness

Ready to live long, lustily, wisely and well?  Then it’s time to let Nora Gedgaudas teach you the “fats of life”.

Kaayla Daniel, PhDThe Naughty Nutritionist, Co-author of 'Nourishing Broth'

Nora Gedgaudas deftly describes the link between what we eat and what we become. Millions of years of human evolution made us omnivores with well-muscled bodies and extraordinary minds that could not have developed without a diet rich in fat, including saturated fat! Read this book and you’ll understand why much maligned animal fat is so important to your health and why it is critical that it come from animals grazing on healthy land (and not confined to feedlots). I cannot recommend this book highly enough.

Allan SavoryPresident of the international Savory Institute

This book, Primal Fat Burner, by Nora Gedgaudas, is the best resource pertaining to the anthropology and modern science for prolonging the health span that has been compiled to date. It is exceptionally organized in a logical and engaging manner. It is flawlessly referenced with scientific journals. It is both unique in its approach and detailed beyond the normal. It is written with no wasted words; each sentence is a learning experience. It is always engaging, and the reader wants to read more and more as new information is integrated into the story. The icing (perhaps a better metaphor would be “drizzled duck fat”) of her book is the organization of recipes and meals for quick practical application of the health science.

For everyone who is interested in the science and practicality of prolonging the health span, this book is a must read. Widespread integration of these concepts could change the face of America (and beyond), reducing health care costs to the point where both social programs and balanced budgets are within reach. The wisdom of the book is not only critical for government policy makers, but also for healthcare providers, teachers, and everyone who wants to be healthy. Everyone who reads this book will be indebted to Nora Gedgaudas for her monumental effort to compile and bring this information to the public.

Dan Murphy, DCProfessor, Life Chiropractic College West, Hayward, CA, USA

If you want to take you brain and your health with you for the rest of your life read this book and follow the high fat diet Nora has developed! This book separates fad from fact, it is loaded with the real science, and provides a pathway to healing your body, your mind, your mood, and for relieving chronic pain. There is no better guide than Nora in this journey.



Alberto Villoldo, PhDAuthor of One Spirit Medicine: Ancient Pathways to Wellness

Nora Gedgaudas successfully navigates the dietary minefield in her new book, Primal Fat Burner. Whether you are following a strict ketogenic diet, cycle in and out, or simply want to learn more about incorporating healthy foods and healthy fat in your diet – much like our ancestors – look no further.

Colin Champ, MDAssistant Professor Pittsburgh Cancer Institute

The message of the book is powerful and compelling. America has been on a disastrous course with respect to diet in its official policies, and in regard to our own work, the Standard American Diet represents an impediment to achieving the best results with neurofeedback. A major reset is in order, and the essential path is laid out in this book. Nora has been a prime mover in the paleo diet movement with her first major book, Primal Body Primal Mind. But the story continues to evolve as research proliferates, and as we learn to adjust to current realities regarding agriculture and the whole food processing chain…

Dr. Siegfried Othmer, PhD.Chief ScientistEEG Institute