I’ll admit to feeling pretty angry right now.

According to the American Association for Health Freedom, the FDA has just issued a ban on the supplement Pyridoxamine-a particularly effective anti-glycating, fat soluble form of Vitamin B6 naturally occurring in food (such as meat and fish).  It may just be the most potent natural substance for preventing AG.E. (advanced glycosylation end-products) formation available. Doses of 50-100 mg/day have been shown to be at times dramatically effective for this.  Since A.G.E.’s are what ultimately age and degenerate us (along with free radical oxidative processes) most everyone could probably benefit from taking this nutrient.  Were I diabetic I would be buying it by the caseload.  The FDA has now seen fit to classify this natural substance as a DRUG.  –What this means is that supplements containing pyridoxamine will be considered adulterated and illegal by the FDA, which may, in turn, raid vitamin companies and seize such products.   In my book Primal Body-Primal Mind I recommended pyridoxamine as a superb, safe, effective and important anti-glycating supplement.  Apparently it is a little TOO effective.  They’re not banning pyridoxamine because it is unsafe,,,but because it WORKS.

Expect more of this sort of thing from the FDA.  Much more.

That something so naturally effective should be suddenly treated as a drug is a complete outrage.  It portends a dim future for other similarly effective nutrients and smacks of a Codex-related overture.  The effort has been underway now for some time to control and ultimately ban the use of nutritional supplements for health and the prevention of disease.  The three most common methods for this are ridicule, suppression and mis-information.

(If you do not already know about the impending Codex threat to your health freedom I recommend the web site: for more information or go view the video: Nutricide – Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs: )

The tactics of the nefarious “powers that be” also include a current campaign to discredit the importance and effectiveness of antioxidant nutrients in preventing disease.  Dr. Denham Harman was nominated for the Nobel prize in Medicine in 1995 for his free radical theory of aging.  All of a sudden numerous articles and media snippets are accusing antioxidant supplements of being not only ineffective, but even dangerous to your health!  The sheer idiocy of this can barely be described.  –Considering the over 106,000 human beings dying each and every year in this country from regularly prescribed medications (more than perished in all of the years in Vietnam COMBINED) I would really like to see the casualty list associated with antioxidants-or any other vitamin supplements, for that matter.  To call such an accusation a joke is an understatement to the extreme.

Just yesterday morning I watched the Today Show’s chief medical editor, Dr. Nancy Snyderman snickering as she referred to the use of vitamin E for heart health as a myth and made reference to vitamins as “expensive urine”, saying everyone should be taking aspirin, instead.  Insane.  I don’t know about you but I never met anyone with an “aspirin deficiency”.

I would like to address the vitamin E issue, though, and help explain where studies and media reports have completely misled the public.

For starters-Virtually all conventional studies conducted which explore using fat-soluble antioxidant supplements such as vitamin E and beta carotene utilize the synthetic forms of these nutrients (which are anything but identical to the natural forms found in food and in no way are utilized in the same manner in the human body).  Furthermore, many, if not all use gel cap forms that are suspended in commercial soybean or canola oil-toxic, hydrogenated oils.  Often, too, whatever other non-hydrogenated components of the oils used are usually rancid (ALWAYS look for glycerin-based vitamin E capsules, instead).

Finally, there is a very real problem-even within the vitamin industry (partly to blame)-where taking nutrients in isolation is concerned.  Nutrients in nature do not exist in isolation from one another.  Most studies, however, do isolate nutrients in an attempt to remove other variables and ascertain their sole activity.  This is an extremely unfortunate practice and in no way replicates what these substances do naturally in the body when interacting with their natural co-factors.  Vitamin E, too, is much more than simply d-alpha tocopherol (or dl-alpha tocopherol-the synthetic version).  In nature, vitamin E exists in food and functions in the body as part of a COMPLEX which includes MIXED (alpha, beta, gamma and delta) tocopherols PLUS alpha, beta, gamma and delta tocotrienols AND selenium!  Vitamin E in the body cannot function effectively without the presence of selenium. -And guess what?  These nutrients absolutely require the presence of both dietary fat and healthy bile acids in order to be at all digested, assimilated and utilized by the body.  If an individual is listening to their doctor who tells everyone to avoid dietary fat and (not un-coincidentally) they also happen to have a poorly functioning or absent gallbladder, what do you suppose happens to all those important fat-soluble nutrients?  Well, dear Dr. Nancy, it wouldn’t be so much expensive urine as expensive bowel movements.

There is a similar problem with vitamin C supplements.  Everyone thinks “ascorbic acid” and “vitamin C” are synonymous-when in reality ascorbic acid is only one aspect of what exists in nature as a vitamin C COMPLEX (there’s that C-word again).  Vitamin C requires its naturally occurring co-factors in order to be properly utilized in the body.  What do you suppose happens with plain old ascorbic acid when taken in isolation from the rest of vitamin C components?  The ascorbic acid delves into your internal stores for the accessory nutrients it needs (assuming you have any), thereby depleting the co-factors in you.  Once the supply is exhausted you can take bucket loads of ascorbic acid and still end up with a vitamin C deficiency, since your body can’t actually make use of it!  Voila!-Suddenly vitamin C appears to be ineffective!  Whole food-based vitamin C coupled with bioflavinoids is by far the best supplemental form.  I get mine from (No, they are not paying me or even asking me to say this).

The real problem-apart from the unscrupulous evils of corporate agendas-lies in the fundamental lack of understanding by most everyone (including commonly physicians) of how the human body and the nutrients which support it actually works.  –That antioxidant nutrients are more important to us now than at any other time in human history is well beyond any reasonable doubt or debate.  We all live in a ubiquitously toxic environment.  Oxidative processes run amok clearly lead to degeneration and disease and all the most painful aspects of aging.  This is extremely well-established scientifically.  Antioxidants should be understood by those seeking to take them, however, and they need to be taken in a very high quality and well formulated complex in order for benefits to be derived by anyone.  Food source supplements and concentrated “superfoods” (such as quality green drinks) are a good start.  Eating strictly non-GMO, organic and biodynamic, local, fresh (non-starchy) vegetables and greens in abundance (adding olive oil or melted butter when steamed to assist in assimilating their fat-soluble components) should be part of everyone’s daily regimen.  Fresh, soaked and dried, raw nuts and seeds should also be considered as a healthy, daily snack food (as long as they are well tolerated).  Meat and fish should always come from the cleanest and most naturally-fed sources (grass-fed meats and wild caught fish-not grain/corn fed meat or farmed fish).

Where the aforementioned pyridoxamine is concerned, the door is closing quickly.  I, personally, called the Life Extension Foundation as soon as I heard the news and purchased as many bottles of pyridoxamine as I could afford.  I suggest many of you do the same.  LEF also has numerous valuable articles on their web site on the subject of this particular nutrient (and others) you might find a worthwhile read.  To order pyridoxamine from LEF go to:  (Again, I swear they are not paying or asking me to do this)

Health Freedom is and should be your right.  Get involved.  Don’t let them take it away from you.  Trust me-they’ll try their best.


  1. says

    I really believe it all boils down to these huge pharmapeutical companies and a threat to the vast amounts of money generated through all the drugs out there to address deficiency syndome.. If people would read up on supplements – ( natural sources) they would be utterly shocked..

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